I am inspired by the wonders of nature, the light reflecting off a pool of water, the sparkle in the eyes of a child. The beauty in the small details, the miracle of the human body – it all expresses the absolute, the incredible variety of what is. I truly believe that creation is perfect in itself, but we humans can make something totally unique by reaching deep down, working out of the subconscious, turning yourself into a channel to express the unknown, the unexplainable things bigger than ourselves and therefore catching a glimpse of immortality and greater connection.
I consider myself being on a journey and constantly learning from everything around me. There is no right and wrong, just learning and making the best of what you have been given.
Art accompanied me all my life and being creative and expressing myself in various ways really makes me happy. I work with people of all ages and give classes in ceramics, painting, printmaking, felting and all kinds of crafts.
I love sharing my passion with others at my creative workshop at MITANANDA H.O.F. – come and join us!